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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Running in Place

Amish horse looks a little short of groceries

Good weather. You gotta grab it. So the men are running in all directions at once trying to make up for our mostly lost summer. Building fences, mowing and chopping, cleaning pens, welding, patching tires that keep getting cut because the rushing water exposed sharp slate ledges and so on. Yowsa, it makes my head spin just keeping track of them.

The days sure have been pretty too. You just have to be outdoors all that you can. The air is so fresh and sweet it seems drinkable, the sun just warm enough to feel like a gentle blanket and the migrants are passing through, unwinding their coils in the north to thread south like fabric unwoven...

Song sparrows in flocks, cedar waxwings ditto, turkey vultures soaring past and one pair even seeming to play, drifting lazy over the river, then dive bombing one another over the barn. Ubiquitous little brownish warblers, calling from all over and flitting through the trees, plus the birds that will winter with us coming back from wherever they go.

I was picking tomatoes when I heard a creaky chickadee, calling half-heartedly from the mountain ash. I pished a little because I wasn't even sure that it was a chickadee and not a catbird or mocker. The thing bolted straight toward me like a bullet on a mission and barely swerved aside before it hit my head. Then it sat in the honey locust cussing me out in no uncertain terms. I ran into the house for seeds, but it had moved along when I came out. I am guessing that one of last winter's tame birds may just be back from its summer adventures.

I am not ready for winter, even though we are running in place getting ready for winter, but still....it is nice to see my friends again.

Holy C**p update! Liz just saw people throw two dogs out of a van, a little chihuahua and a lab. She got their license number and called the police on them....wonder if they will pursue it. I'll bet you can all think of some suitable punishments for such &^%%$^&*. Makes me sick. A dog is a commitment, a long commitment, but if you have to end it there are better ways. Geez.


June said...

A lyrical post, fitting for these stolen days of splendor.

And GOOD FOR LIZ for getting the license plate and calling the cops!!!!

joated said...

Hope the cops follow up on the dog tossers. Maybe they could throw them out of a van on the thruway some mid afternoon.

As for the weather...amazing how nice it can be when the rain stops! Sunny, dry, cool days and nights...I love October!

Linda said...

Your title fits in with life around here too......getting ready for the cold season:(

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

I do so enjoy your observations. You always remind me to stop and pay attention to the marvels around us. Oh, but that makes me sick, about those dogs.

threecollie said...

June, thanks. I was horrified to hear about the poor little dogs. The chihuahua was limping after the toss. How could someone do such a thing!

Joated, same here. Alan keeps marveling at all he is getting done now...well, it isn;t raining. Funny how you can work outdoors. lol. I love October too, although I am not so very fond of what comes next.

Linda, we are so not ready! We have NO heat and it looks as if it will be six weeks or more before we do. Makes it seem all the colder.

WW, thank you. There is so much there to be enjoyed if we can find time to do so... It was horrific about the dogs. Sure hope something was done about it.