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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Word Verification

The topic of the day. Seems everyone hates it. I prefer not to bother with it myself, although I do type in those absurd letters when needed because spam comments are a hassle for me. I figure that they probably are for other blog authors as well. (I mean, I don't even HAVE one of those, so why would I want to extend it? And I wish I could help every Haitian orphan and I'm glad you passed my rhubarb leaf bird bath post on to your esteemed colleagues and all, but some things are just outside my frame of reference....)

However, this is about your enjoyment more than mine, and I hope you keep visiting and sharing your thoughts, so I shut the silly things off.....for a while at least....

No more alphabet soup, just type and enter .

That being said, I have sometimes saved the best ones that I have stumbled on, just because of the sheer serendipitous-ness of the words. Some of them seem too appropriate to be truly random.

Anyhow, have a good one. Your visits are valuable to me...especially the comments.


NumberWise said...

Of course the word verification is irritating, but I find spam much more so. Often I don't read comments when they're peppered with spam. If I have taken the time to read a blog post and comments, and then to type a comment myself, adding a few more letters really isn't a big deal.

Ruth said...

Word verification can be annoying, but the ones blogger uses aren't to bad (some sites theres so much "stuff" in the image that trying to read the letters is seriously a pain)

Jan said...

I don't use WV and have had little problem with spam. Some of the obviously commercial comments that have nothing to do with the blog content are easily removed.

joated said...

What Ruth said. Sometimes it seems more like an eye test than anything else.

Cathy said...

Hey TC! I left this comment over at JB's:

"Well, shoot Mariannne! Will you please forward those care-and-feeding-of-your-organs spams that you received?

I still might have one of those relevant organs"

Terry and Linda said...

That is how I feel...your visits are valuable and so are the comments!
