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Monday, November 14, 2011


Our furnace just exploded.

No one hurt.

No fire.

No heat either


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Oh no! Thank goodness the weather continues relatively warm. Do you have a wood stove? Maybe you could bring all the barn cats indoors to sleep with you. Hope all gets fixed real soon.

dickiebo said...

Do take care!

Rev. Paul said...

You needed some excitement, didn't you?


I'm glad you're all okay.

Ruth said...

Well, ok, no fire, no one hurt counts as good. No heat would be very bad since its supposed to get cold again....

Jan said...

Ouch, sounds expensive. Things have a way of making life more exciting.

Cathy said...


If this were April 1 . . .

But, no, this is no joke . . .

It's November.

Take care. Keep us posted.

lisa said...

You have just had just the most rotten luck ever. I sure wish I could give you a very lucky penny, or a four leaf clover and have all your luck turn around for the better. Let us know if we can do anything.

Terry and Linda said...

OH! MY! GOODNESS!!!! Horrible!


Linda said...

Well that sucks! Hope you can get something up and running before it gets too cold.

Tim said...

Glad everyone is ok.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're okay. Sounds rather scary!

threecollie said...

WW, I am surely praying for more of same. Just don't know what we are going to do.

Dickiebo, thank you!

Rev. Paul, of all the crosses we may bear, being bored is not one of them. Thanks, it was really scary.

Ruth, thanks, don't know what we are going to do, but we are sure going to be thinking of something and soon I hope.

Jan, pricing out all sorts of solutions to the situation. So far they are all indeed expensive.

Cathy, thanks, it wasn't what we needed, but we will have to figure out some way around it somehow. Our outdoor wood furnace caught fire and burned at the end of August and it took us until November 2 to even get it shipped back to the factory for repair...if they decide to repair it, which they may not. Insurance didn't cover it due to the sneaky way our farm policy was written...shopping insurance companies right now. Meanwhile, I just don't know...

Lisa, thanks, you guys are so sweet and it means a lot. You take care and enjoy Mappy's time at home. Love to you all

LInda, it was scary and bad. At least no more harm was done than to the furnace itself. Bad enough but there was potential for so much worse.

Linda, thanks, I am thinking farmer inventiveness is going to be called upon, because we sure can't afford to replace the blasted thing...don't really want to, would rather get the outdoor furnace back and running. So much warmer, so much cheaper, so much safer.

Tim, thanks we were very lucky!

Dani said...

That just bites! So glad you and the family were ok.

joated said...

Never a dull day!

Glad all are a-okay, that damage was confined to the outdoor furnace. Sure hope the repairs/solution is quick.

threecollie said...

Dani, thanks, we sure are grateful, if chilly

Joated, actually we lost them both. Outdoor one burned in August, indoor one blew up yesterday. And thanks!

Jeffro said...

(insert appropriate curse words here)!!!

Hope it all works out, wow.

LeeAnn said...

Late to things, but I'm so very glad no one was hurt, except your wallet. Wallet-pain is damn near excruciating at times. Like Woodswalker said, kitty blankets are pretty handy.
But I'm glad, really, no one got blown up.