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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Milkers

Cold and sunny. Much better than normal for December so I won't complain even though I would love to. (Now I know why winter baths were so unpopular back in the day.)

Cows are holding milk production at an even keel. I would prefer that they were going up, but steady is a lot better than down. Can't wait to get Carlene and River in the tank. They are both milking well.

River had a little mastitis problem when she freshened so has been being treated appropriately. Will be off her milk withhold (as in dumped down the drain) pretty soon. Another test to be sure her infection is all cleared up and then she will go in Liz's milking string again.

With Carlene we just have to wait until her colostrum is all gone (it goes to her baby calf, Carolina) and then she will have a test to make sure her milk is clean and good. Then she will be added to my milking string. Which is pleasing indeed.

With some cows you just rejoice when they dry off for their annual six to eight week dry period (vacation from milking while waiting to have a new calf.) Others you can't wait to get back in your line. Carlene is one of the latter.

Stay warm and dry!


Terry and Linda said...

Boy, do I remember those days. And after the calf comes the cow is delighted to get the milker placed on her!


threecollie said...

Linda, poor Carlene had a fever last night, so she had to be treated and will be out for at least another week now.