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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Sneak Attack

Sneak attack! Look out!!!! It's a deadly, dangerous, eyes-in-front predator!

Get her!

The cows were all turned out and waiting by the gate to be let up into the field to eat. I was just finishing up pushing up feed to Scotty, who stays in, and the bull and the steers and the big calves, when the dreaded Athena trotted down the barn aisle working hard at rat patrol.

Milwaukee saw her first. A predator! Oh, noes, and right in the barn too.

Big M lowered her head and hooked and snorted at the deadly threat so close before her. Towanda took up the cry, storming and stomping her feet and kicking her heels at the ceiling.

Next Cinnamon, Boondock, Brianna and Bling. Chrome and Lamborghini, Corolla and Pumpkin, all dashing, all dancing, all banging stalls and cupboard doors. Crash! Clatter! Kaboom and kabang.

Athena paused by the big pen and looked back in disgust. She is just an old barn cat and about as dangerous to those silly calves as air .

Meanwhile, they all shook their heads and snorted happily and stood around puffing and blowing. Another enemy vanquished and before breakfast too. Tuff girls one and all.


Rev. Paul said...

Well done, ladies! Another foe dispatched. :)

June said...

They have to practice on somebody...

Jinglebob said...

Calves is stupid. Kind'a like some humans! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Have you seen what happens when a child gets on all fours near calves? Can be quite scary actually.

threecollie said...

Rev. Paul, and they were very proud of themselves

June, lol!

JB, they are, they were funny though and gave me a good laugh while I was finishing up. Silly things

DMM, actually I haven't. I can believe it might be scary though having seen them react to cats, dogs and sometimes even chickens.

Cathy said...

What a hoot and what a great way of telling it.

threecollie said...

Cathy, thanks! They sure gave me a nice chuckle with their silliness. And they knew it was silliness too. They were just feeling good and wanting to play.

Terry and Linda said...

Well done!


threecollie said...

Linda, they were so funny, thanks