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Monday, February 20, 2012

Amazing Mornings

I'll take them......These warm February days. 

Sunrise today was a tangible movement of brilliant, glorious light over sky and land, lighting up the jet trails that just moments before were grey smudges in the sky. I kind of wished we had waited to do the GBBC until this morning. Friday when we did do it, although it was pretty enough out, there was a nasty, biting, cold wind and we didn't see much until dusk. This morning was still, calm, gorgeous, and birds were everywhere. 

 Sun just starting to light up the sky

Geese were thumping by, breasts spotlit by the sun. Little brown something-or-others were jingling and tinkling in the brush, but the sun was so blinding I couldn't tell what they were. Some kind of sparrow.....

Dad is home and doing quite well, impatient to get back to doing all the things he did before, which I take as a good sign. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

As this post and the ones before demonstrate, you find beauty everywhere. Thanks for sharing, both in word and image.

Caroline said...

I didn't have stellar results with GBBC either (see blogpost for today).

Terry and Linda said...

Your sky is BEAUTIFUL! I love looking at and photographing the sky. As for your DAD! YEA!!! WONDERFUL!

Really good news!


Cathy said...

TC . . This was all lovely. I've been moving mountains the last days and look forward to perusing your past posts at a leisurely pace.

So glad to hear your Dad is doing fine.

threecollie said...

WW, thanks! Another gorgeous morning today. About five hundred geese flew right over me, low, when I was up at the stove. They sound so excited now.

Caroline, Your deer are cute though. lol

Linda, thanks, you have some pretty fancy skies out there too.

Cathy, thanks! Hope you get your mountains all moved and find time to relax! I am trying not to let bookwork keep me from enjoying the nice days...any excuse to go outside is a good one. lol

Cathy said...

I just had to leave this link to my Youtube video that I captured in January.

You'll probably have to enlarge it to full screen. I actually recorded 2 seconds of sunlight glinting off the geese wings as they flew toward the rising sun.


Cathy said...

PS. Regarding my 'mountains':

When I close my eyes I see the contents of closets, shelves, drawers, basement corners.

I'm making headway. Pray for me ;)

threecollie said...

Cathy, oh, my that was so neat! Like airplanes with their flashing lights! lol