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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

And so...

My dear old Etrain died. She was old, but a favorite, the gentlest cow you could imagine. She has been written about here many times as you will find if you search for her name. I know, don't think, but know, that she liked me too. She looked to me specifically for food and petting and sweeping off of the old hair with the broom. If I brushed on her neighbor, Lemmie, she would swing her head at me, to let me know she wanted a turn. I am going to miss her a lot, no two ways about it. 

However, it is an incredibly beautiful day and I am going to go outdoors and look for something to do even if it's wrong, as the boss would say. 

The vet was here yesterday and she said that it has been a tough winter all around despite the mild weather. March and April are always the worst months, as the cows are the farthest away from green grass. One of our vets calls grass, "Doctor Green", and she isn't far wrong.

There were so many birds singing this morning that it took me a minute to separate out all the threads of sound to see who was who. I am so ready for spring I could capriole like a baby goat.


Rev. Paul said...

Sorry about Etrain - some of those old cows do get under your skin, sometimes.

I know what you mean about spring; it's still a long way away here, so I try not to think about it. Much.

lisa said...

Sorry about Etrain! I remember you talking about her! It sure was a beautiful day, just wish I could of been out in it!

lorraine said...

So sorry to hear this. As I am new to your blog, I did not know Etrain, but there is something really special about a cow who lets you know what she wants. I am glad you had a beautiful day to take your sadness out for a walk.

joated said...

It's a shame to lose a wonderful, cooperative animal like Etrain must have been. I feel your loss.

A beautiful day is a fitting tribute, however. I hope the coming spring (and it is coming!) lifts your spirits.

Cathy said...

Oh Marianne. The bond between you and Etrain is so touching. Her absence must be so painful. I am so sorry.

Yes. Spring. The returning light and getting out into it to do something - even the wrong thing . .

Keith and I are sending a hug.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

So sorry. Some animals just seem to know the direct way into our hearts.

~ Sara ~ said...

While I never had to the pleasure of meeting you, your family, or your moo's... I will be missing her also...

June said...

I'm sorry about Etrain.
And I'm glad you had a nice day to help distract you.

Linda said...

So sorry for your loss.....its especially hard this time of year too.

Dani said...

I'm so sorry.

threecollie said...

REv. Paul, thanks, we are going to get more cold weather starting tomorrow, but today the birds are singing as if it were April...I'll take it, lol

Lisa, she was a pip! Thanks

lorraine, thanks, she was really a nice old girl and I miss her

Joated, thanks the beautiful weather really does do wonders!

Cathy, thank you both for the hugs. I am pretty tough but this has been such a horrible winter!

WW, thanks, you are surely right about that. And to think when I was a kid I didn't like cows.

Sara, thank you, I know you exactly get where they fit in our lives...

June, thanks, it sure was lovely

Linda, I suppose I shouldn't let myself get attached to cows, but she was such a nice critter right from the time she was a calf. the heifers got out once when she was about a yearling and they were running down our driveway straight for the highway in deep, deep snow. In desperation I hollered her name. And she turned around and ran right back up the hill to me with the other tagging along behind her.

Dani, thank you kind friend....looks like Saturday will be puppy day here!