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Thursday, March 01, 2012

Got Snow?

Yup, and it's the packy stuff we used to love when we were kids. Haven't seen snow like this in years. If the kids were smaller and I didn't have to milk and feed and pay bills we would be out building snow animals and coloring them with food coloring paint.

We used to do that back when we lived in the village when they were little. We had snow lions and dogs and horses, huge ones that took up the whole yard. 

What fun, what fun....

Oldest fossil forest found....again...right near here. Check it out....


joated said...

Our snow stopped early with a little less than an inch accumulating. Then the ice and rain started. We've seen (almost) all of the snow disappear as the overnight temps stayed above freezing.

You need to go all Calvin and Hobbes with the snowmen.

Interesting story on the fossil forest. Thanks for pointing it out.

June said...

I am officially old. The idea of snowmen hasn't entered my mind. There isn't room for it around the edges of "oh crap it's gonna be a hairy drive to work."

Susan Rose said...

Maybe no colored snow creatures, but you had the fun of photography. Great shots!

Linda said...

Lol what's stopping you now? Keep it will you....I'll take some rain instead.

lisa said...

I was just about ready to post the same! Hope you all are ok up on that hill!!

Anonymous said...

Darn, no TV our dish is covered with snow. I'll go out later and see if I can clear it with a long stick or something. I could probably reach it out the upstairs window, but there is so much stuff in front of the window it would take an act of congress to move it!
Love Mom

Keith Wilson said...

Is there anything prettier than a spring snow? You know it's not going to last because the robins complaining about it confirms that winter is dead - or dying.

The spring snow is more ephemeral than a rainbow. Here one minute, gone the next. Not long enough to turn into salty slush in grocery store aisles, but rather just right; like a scoop of ice cream, it is cold and tempting, then melts, then gone....

Winter's last gasp.

lorraine said...

70's in Arizona today. Loved looking at the snow photos. Do miss that fluffy white stuff at times.

Sandcastle Momma said...

That is absolutely beautiful! Glad I don't live in it but I love seeing your pics!!

Cathy said...

Awwww . . . I miss playing in the snow. It's great that you've got so much 'kid' still in you.

Now. I was hugely impressed with that article on the ancient fossil forest. And I love the fact that they explained that when that forest was alive 380 million years ago . . . that land mass was down in the area that is now Chile.

Wow! Huge!

threecollie said...

Huh? I answered everyone's comments yesterday and now my comment is gone. Hmmmfff...

Thank you for your kind words and beautiful thoughts!

Unknown said...

Wow, we have gotten nothing this year in the form of the white stuff. I'm not complaining mind you, I can be happy just seeing yours.

threecollie said...

Tim, lol and it's better that way! No shoveling!