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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Boy

I know where I was 22 years ago today....and now my boy is off in the wide world of the big city working on big stuff. He sends me scary pictures and even deletes the worst ones before I see them so I am not too distressed.......

But I am proud of him, taking what he has learned at our humble little farm and what he has taught himself or picked up in college and turning it into such responsibility and change. 

Happy Birthday, son, we miss you!


Earl said...

You will always miss them, but still you raised them to go out and fix that wide world, and tell you about it once in awhile. Hope he knows how well he started out.

Terry and Linda said...

Ahhh....Like Earl says you will always and forever miss them. But to be 22 and in quest of life...nothing to ever compare to it ever again.


Cathy said...

Awwww . . . that is so sweet and tender.

How we love them as we learn to let go.

Happy Birthday to the best this great good land and the families that make it work - produces.

Jinglebob said...

Happy Birthday to a good young man. Hard to beat a well trained kid and ain't it odd how many of them come from a rural atmosphere. ;-)

Jeffro said...

I'll bet he pulls his hair when you refer to him as "baby boy" even though we all know that's the way you'll see him even when his hair gets gray! Seems like my own mother was afflicted with that kind of thinking with me!

He sure seems like a capable, strapping young lad taking on the world in grand fashion. Happy Birthday, Alan, and go get 'em!

threecollie said...

Earl, I sure do miss him, but it is a big world and someone has to go out into it

Linda,yeah, he is having a good time with it.

Cathy, thanks on his behalf

JB, thanks, isn't that the truth!

Jeffro, odds are he does. lol thanks for the good wishes