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Monday, March 19, 2012


Fence line oak up in the heifer pasture

I am losing track of all the calves I swear...at least one more heifer and a cute little Jersey bull born over the weekend. I think poor Liz has twenty on buckets. 

Last time we had a Jersey bull calf we were offered the opportunity to sell him to a certain individual who...oh, never mind...it was the religion of peace and all, but the way they handle baby calves is distasteful, even if most of our animals eventually end up as beef.

 Instead we gave him to some folks who have a Jersey farm...well in the end they paid us for him, but not because we wanted them to. He was well bred and is used now on their farm to breed registered heifers. Kinda nice, because it means that Liz's herd prefix will be out there a little. This guy will probably go the same way or become a steer and go out to Fort Plain to keep a certain Percheron company. Too bad he was a bull, because he is put together real nice.


Jeffro said...

The nabe's cows are calving here too, so at night it's likely to see the beams from the spotlights mounted on their flatbed pickups washing over the countryside looking for cows needing help.

Young only son was telling me about one cow that had him pretty disgusted. He said she was acting like she couldn't find her calf when she hadn't had it yet, and when he started to help her, she didn't "help" him pull it at all. Seemed shocked when she actually saw the little devil - all turned out ok. He's recovering from spinal meningitis and really didn't need that!

Anonymous said...

three collie'a Aunt ginger just recovered from that too. This is the second time she has had it, but a different variety. Drs. can't nail down the cause, but think it was from a brain tumer she had removed some time ago. Who knows?

Terry and Linda said...

Lots of baby calves. They are ever so much work, but such a delight to see their little tails wagging as they suck down their food. Then they get all excited when they see you coming....makes all the work worthwhile.


Cathy said...

Awww . . . put together real nice . . to no avail.

Awwwwww :)

threecollie said...

jeffro, Oh, man, I hate it when they won't help. We only have a couple more to go this round and I am grateful for it.

Mom, poor Aunt Ginger...hope things are better for her now. Love you

Linda, true!

Cathy, sadly there isn't a whole lot to be done with a Jersey bull calf, but if the friend will take him he will got to good use.