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Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Robin a Day

Keeps the gloom goblins away....


Jan said...

I miss robins. For some reason they don't hang out in this area. I guess they are busy being harbingers of spring in places where spring comes later.

Rev. Paul said...

Excellent! All we have (since it's still mid-winter here) is ravens, hawks and eagles. Rarely do I see the raptors in time to grab a camera, though.

Cathy said...

There are a lot of sweet sights in the spring, but a few robins poking around the yard are about the best ever.

Shirley said...

Nothing like a good mud puddle bath to start the day!

threecollie said...

Jan, we actually had a small flock all winter, but now they are splitting up and singing and acting all robiny.

Rev. Paul, do they come to Alaska? I have a very hard time photographing birds because my vision makes it hard for me to get them into the screen of the viewer. I take a lot of empty shots alas

Cathy, this guy wasn't a bit shy, taking a little bath right in front of me.

Shirley, he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself and fairly flounced off in irritation when I had to walk past him to get through the gate.