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Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Finally finished the Farm Side, which is usually fun, but sometimes frantically frustrating. 

Liz says it is hailing wherever it is that she is milk inspecting today. Gloomy and grey and cold here. The grass got up just so far and than stalled and if anything is going backwards, drying up and freezing off.Supposed to warm up soon though.

Burned up a lot of yesterday trying to paint this Godawful cowboy on a fence, which the man for whom I paint yard art wants hurried up because he has it sold. The thing is huge and just getting it out to paint on it was a pain...and then I discovered that I don't have any blue paint for the blue jeans. (Whine, whine.) Way back when I first began this job of painting wooden things, I didn't buy blue because I was painting ducks and cows and they are generally not blue.

Since we have to visit our accountant this afternoon to sign and send out the taxes, I guess a trip to Wally World is in order, (whine, whine, whine).

Heh, enough whining, time to get back to work.


Cathy said...

Honey, you go ahead and whine.

If this cold doesn't abate - 'blue' cows might not be far off.

(Had to suppress a snicker at the idea of a 'godawful' cowboy ;)

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Well, do we get to see that cowboy?

threecollie said...

Thanks, Cathy, some days I just need to. lol And he is just terrible. Wait and see.

WW, in a while, after I get him done or at least done-ish

Terry and Linda said...

It's okay to whine. You told me I could whine. Sometimes you just need too and to lay your head on a shoulder and transfer everything over for just a spell.

Nasty and cold here also. I'm be glad with the weather settles down.


threecollie said...

Linda, weird, weird spring this one. The sun will be blazing, you go outside and the wind is like a frozen knife. Never know what to wear!