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Monday, April 09, 2012

Shiverish, Windy

mourning doves

Last night, it was gorgeous at sunset. We all stood around out in the yard talking (and taking down laundry) after chores and just reveled in the lemon-gold sky and the tender air.


Then somewhere in the early hours an insane wind sprang up and things started popping and rattling and shaking. Sleep was pretty much impossible.


And baby it is cold out too. April in the Northeast is not to be taken lightly I guess.

Song Sparrow

We had a lovely Easter...a nice ham dinner in between chore times and the weather was the best it has been in a week or two. I went out to try to get a video of the mocker, but he was kind of just mumbling and the real blue jays and a song sparrow, which I think he had called in, drowned him out. Had fun taking bird pics at least.

Eastern Phoebe

Can't wait for grass though. Buying forage this year is not for the faint of heart or light of wallet....would be a lot better time to be selling it I think.


Caroline said...

What you said about the insane wind, I should have warned you it was on it's way east! We had chairs scooting across the deck, things banging and dog freaking out two days before. Silly dog doesn't care about thunder and lightning (as long as he doesn't get wet)but insane wind turns him into a basket case.

Love the singing song sparrow!

Cathy said...

Awwww . . . . so sweet and wonderful. My birds are barely singing in this chilly air.

That picture of your singing song sparrow sent me scrambling to this link so I, too could share the music


lisa said...

Grass is so much cheaper that is for sure! The wind is pretty bad today also! Don't be rolling down that hill, keep your feet anchored ;)

Linda said...

No Phoebe's here yet but we have had the shiverish wind....that's the EXACT word I've been looking to describe it too,

threecollie said...

Caroline, such a windy spring! Our driveway, which is normally gravel, looks as if it had been swept. And I have a heavy, metal, lawn chair I set my laundry basket on while I hang clothes...I have had to hook it around a pipe to keep it from blowing away. I hate the wind!

Cathy, thanks! He was singing so loud he drowned out the mocker

Lisa, lol, trying to!

Linda, hope you feel better real soon and thanks so much for the link!

Terry and Linda said...

The shiverish wind is supposed to hit here Friday...just in time for a passel of company and Terry's Mother's "Celebration of Life" complete with rain and snow. it was 84* today...51* on Saturday. Spring what silly weather you produce!
