I love macros, but the constant wind this week mostly drove me indoors for this one.
For more Sunday Stills.......
March 10, 2025
4 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I really like the third one down with the seeds sitting out there as if on llittle platters waiting to be blown/shaken away.You've captured so much detail in that one.
The dandelion head is my favourite. Razor sharp fluff on it :D
Some nice macros here. My favorite is number three, even more so when I looked at it in a bigger size.
The third one is my favorite too..what kind of plant is it? Very unique shot!! :)
Looks like #3 wins the prize!! What is it? Very interesting shot. :)
Fantastic shots! The carrots are most excellent..:-))
I like #3 too but they are very nicely photographed macros. I need to work at getting closer!
I like all of them but #3 is the favorite. I read your profile and had to chuckle as it seems like you might be writing it about our house!! Cow stuff all over - especially during calving season. We ranch in ND.
I like #3 too!Love the colour in the second photo
Beautiful pictures. Love the dandelion head looking all fluffy!
Seems I'm not the only one wondering about #3. You've got some splainin' to do:)
I'm sticking my neck waaaay out . . is it in the onion family . . . garlic . . ?
Well done, glad you ventured out!
Joated, thanks! I was unable to get the clarity I should have because of the wind, but it has blown all day every day all week.
Martine, thanks!
Eva, thanks! I love the little seed heads of garlic chives and never can resist photographing them.
Lisa, thank you!
Far Side, thanks, it's a little garlic chive plant my late mother-in-law bought decades ago. I love the seed heads. the flowers are very pretty too.
dibear, thanks, it is garlic chives
Ed, thanks, I love the curls too.
Pix, thanks! I love macros and am fortunate that the camera makes it pretty easy. I can't take too much credit as it is mostly push a button, point and shoot. lol
NoDak, thanks! I love to write newspaper columns every couple of years about "you might be a farmer's wife if...." and list the junk on the counter, the cows in the water garden all the other fascinating perils and side benefits of farming.
Shirley, thanks! I still haven't figured out how to get true reds, but that is kinda, sorta, close to the color of the cactus.
Strawberry, thanks!
Cathy, very good! It is a garlic chives plant that my m-i-l bought years and years ago. I happened upon it smothered in weeds near the water spout and moved it to my herb garden. it rewards me with lovely flowers and seed heads every summer
Aurora, thank you. I really love macros.
A dandelion and this time of year! Ahhhhhhh the a lovely memory of spring!
Linda, believe it or not that is a tiny little aster seed head about the size of a pinky fingernail. lol
nice shot :)
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