Itis that is. I am pretty crippled up for my age and don't like to take NSAIDs because they bother my stomach. However, I got sick of not being able to do anything easily, so I took them three days in a row.
And today, besides getting all my work done I felt like taking a walk so I did.
And it was fun and not painful.
I'm happy you were able to get out & enjoy!
Like the good Rev. Wonderful! I am very happy you were able to get out and enjoy!
So happy for you. I understand. We both have "Arthur" issues and watch wistfully when a couple several years older than us passes our house on their daily jaunt.
I stopped NSAIDS for the same reasons you mentioned. Maybe they've improved them?
I love that old tree! Glad you were able to go for that walk! Nothing better than taking a walk on your own property!
Good on yuh!
Rev. Paul, it was great, but I sure wasn't happy to see how bad the mud is. We wanted to start on the fencing, but not yet I guess
Linda, I loved it, and Becky and the pup went along, which made it even more fun
Cathy, same drug, tougher innards I guess. I didn't take one today, but I am going to keep myself moving if I can. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Just to walk up the hill.
Lisa, I like that big old thing too. It is right in the fence line so it gets a lot of visits each year. Sure was good to get out. Glad we went before the storm hit.
Robert, it was so much fun! And we checked the fence and the ground situation, so, technically, it was work too. Of course this big snowstorm will set fence work back, heaven only knows how long, so it was kinda wasted...oh well.
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