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Monday, June 09, 2014


Black locust trees in bloom

Some nice bales made this weekend, with help from most everybody. It is so soft that I carried a bale, while wearing shorts, and didn't tear up my legs. Sure smells good.

Brown Thrasher. I accidentally pished out a pair
while chasing warblers and they weren't happy with me much.

A bale fell out the mow door and the two cows and Cinnamon went nuts. Mind you they spend all day and night on grass that used to feed fifty head...and then they come in and go crazy over baled hay.

You should have seen the calves. Most of them are too young to have ever tasted freshly baled, early, first cutting before. As soon as I started feeding out a bale they were practically jumping out of their stalls. And yet they had enough haylage left from morning to probably last another day. The hay smelled just that good.

Squashed beetle....Six-spotted Tiger Beetle, I think
Very nice....I don't think there is a farmer alive that doesn't love feeding animals, and then watching them eat. And we have more to feed them this morning.


Rev. Paul said...

I always loved helping Grandpa feed the livestock. You've just reminded me of why. :)

Terry and Linda said...

That squashed beetle is beautifully ugly. I do love feeding fresh made hay to animals. it is a delight!


Cathy said...

The locust trees seem to really have had a lush bloom this year . . . or maybe I'm just paying closer attention.

Love the fact of hay . . . and the visuals of you and the happy calves.

threecollie said...

Rev. Paul, I never get tired of watching them eat. Must be in the blood or something, but I can stand all day listening to the rustle of the hay as they chew it, and just breathing in their contentment.

linda, isn't it pretty! I just had to come home and look it up.

Cathy, there is a funny story about these black locusts. Although the valley is lined with them, up until the late nineties we didn't have any, just a couple of honey locusts down by the house. i wanted some, so we went to a friend's place and dug a few up to transplant. Went to all kinds of trouble, but they just didn't survive. Meanwhile, on a pile of dirt from another farm that the state brought in, after they pillaged our land to steal soil for a road project (the boss made them replace it, since they hadn't paid for it, and since it was already under the road, they brought other dirt....) The pile must have been loaded with locust seeds because now it sports a nice little thicket. lol