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Friday, July 31, 2015


For the Zombie Apocalypse. 

We'll get the vampires first!

And you know what? As I watch the world being sucked ever-downward in a spiral of junior high school drama, no substance, no sense, I wonder if being prepared for some kind of apocalypse might not be a bad idea.

I try to keep things cheerful here, but I sure have seen some crazy stuff this week. Seriously, has everyone lost their values completely? Don't look for me to get all worked up over that infamous large carnivorous kitty cat that perished a world away from here. I didn't know him personally and neither did the loonies who think he was the Messiah.

They believe that they did though and I guess that's all that matters.

Meanwhile we had a marvelous crop of garlic...bloodsucking undead need not apply at Northview Farm. I need to find somewhere other than the kitchen to hang the three braids we made though. The place smells like a pizzeria...not a bad thing, but a little goes a long way.

Keep smiling....it confuses the heck out of them. 

The aliens landed while we were looking the other way, worrying about silly stuff.
The pods were left behind and will hatch any day now.


Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Besides the big cat, folks who apparently have too much time on their hands had time to hang from a bridge in their kayaks to stop a Shell oil ship. Meanwhile forest fires rage, and do you think the news can report that? No they have to watch the activists and give them 15 hours of fame and encouragement. Bah, cows and gardens have my attention, not the foolish media storms.

Lovely garlic!

jan said...

Complete agreement. I hope the pods aren't taking on physical characteristics of Northview family members.

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Are they milkweed? I haven't seen any in a long time.
Love Mom

Terry and Linda said...

Terry and I have been wondering the same thing. Sure is a puzzling time. A Doomsday business has even opened up downtown...complete with underground bunkers you can purchase for thousands and thousands of dollars.


Anonymous said...

"Keep smiling it keeps them confused"......Northfview Dairy.....love that!!!!. and so true. Not to buy into the hype out there and stick to the real Truth in Love that is all there really is, is the key. A smile does it and tuning it out with the things we love: . garlic, tiny tots. birdies in the trees, the tractors out there, the green, the horsies tne adorable house you have, the chicks dancing in the barn..the fields, and everything Northview Dairy. I do feel you should get some sweatshirts printed up..NORTHVIEW DAIRY..KEEP SMILING IT KEEPS THEM CONFUSED...I would buy one..hooded...40.00 start painting some and offer a free garlic bulb with the first 100 to sell.Serious....they would sell...ha ha Much LOVE to you all out there somewhere over the lovely rainbow....Merri

ellie k said...

So many people so upset about this big cat thing and it is a shame but people don't seem to be upset that we kill millions of babies every year. People use abortion as birth control and can do it with a clear conscience.

Uta said...

With such nice Milkweed Pods you must have Monarch Butterflies?
I plant milkweed but no Butterflies, the neighbors spray pesticides. Wish i could live with you.

threecollie said...

Nita, good for you! I try not to get sucked into the swamp, but it is a challenge not to. Outdoors is better!

Jan, good thing I don't have photoshop. lol

Mom, yes, milkweed. I used to treat them as weeds until I found out how fantastic the flowers smell! The scent is downright decadent. Now I leave them almost anywhere they want to grow. Love you!

Merri, thanks, sorry I get grumpy sometimes....

Ellie, I am stunned by what I see. It is pretty scary...and very sad.

uta, we have a few Monarchs around, but not many, even though we have lots and lots of milkweed. Guess they have to want to lay eggs. We are fairly pesticide free but I still only see a couple now and then. We have a lot of other good butterflies though. Alan and I went up in the field on the quad and saw all kinds.