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Friday, July 24, 2015

Turn About is Fair Play

Just putting the deer on notice for November. They ate every single one of Lizzie's broccoli, cauliflower and all the great big cabbages that were growing up in the top garden.

In one night!

So I want them to know that we believe in fair and balanced.

Just sayin'....

And if the bunnies don't stop eating the bottoms off all the beans......

USA! USA! Not to mention Canada and Mexico....
in the clouds during the storm the other day.


Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Giant rodents! Drives me crazy! All that hard work gone in a flash. So sorry Liz!

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

I supposed that is one way to get your veggies back is to eat what ate the veggies!

lisa said...

The woes of gardening!

jan said...

I might take revenge in a carnivorous way.:-)

Terry and Linda said...

UGH!!! We saw a tee-shirt the other day that said HEY Vegetarians...my food poops on your food.

Just a thought...deer and rabbits...just a thought.


ellie k said...

We have tame rabbits running loose in our neighborhood, they were turned loose by a man that was tired of owning rabbits. They breed well and multiply very well. They eat every thing that blooms in the neighborhood yards. Every week we see new ones , our yard is full of holes and our flower blooms are gone. We had to fence our garden to get any thing out of it. If there was a way to catch them we would have a big pan of fried rabbit with brown gravy. Sorry about our garden, they will come back now that they know there are blooms to eat.

lizzybaxter said...

Wascally Wabbits! I used to think they were so cute, until I got my garden going and realized that THEY were the reason I had no broccoli, or spinach. 2 years in a row. Useless dogs, why didn't they do something? I've got a shotgun now, and know how to use it. I don't feel a bit sorry for them. If I catch one in my garden and actually get off a good shot, I will figure out how to cook one. Ugh.

threecollie said...

Nita, never, ever have I seen such animal damage in the gardens. Our menu is going to include eating wild this winter....it usually does anyhow, but revenge is sweet.

Tina, alas, we love vegetables, but venison will do in a pinch....with the ones we will be buying....

Lisa, you betcha. And of so many deer feeling safe here with all the poaching pressure around us.

Jan, that exact action is on the agenda if our boy gets any time at home come November.

Linda, yes, that is a very good thought. lol

Ellie, they sound annoying indeed....but delicious! I admit it, I like rabbit dinner, and prefer tame to wild. Tastier. Tenderer. We are going to have to fence these little gardens next year. The deer are bad enough but the bunnies are awful. Daisy is trying to catch them but there is only just so much a tiny little dog can do.

Carol, I wish you good hunting and good luck. When our boy is home he keeps the varmint population in check, but he has been working out of state almost all the time this summer. We miss him for that and very many other reasons. I guess I may have to bite the bullet and start shooting his little .410. I am a pretty good shot, but I don't really like shooting shotguns. Too much boom. lol

lizzybaxter said...

Threecollie: I said the same thing, so my (grown) kids gave me a youth shotgun for Christmas a couple of years ago. They even strapped a small flashlight on the barrel for me, and added a shoulder strap! It doesn't kick at all. I made my husband promise that the first thing I actually go after and GET, he will have mounted for me-- regardless of what it is. I did kill a snake in the coop, but I didn't count that, not a "mount and display" item. :)

threecollie said...

Carol, I hope you get one! And get to have it mounted too. I have shot a number of varmints with my .22, but I don't like to use a rifle around the buildings. Too many possibilities for the shot to go awry. Poor little Daisy is a real hunting dog, only on a very small scale, and is trying really hard. However, as a double dapple Dachshund her vision isn't the best and she really isn't much bigger than the bunnies. I have her working hard on chipmunks though!