However, there is also a garden...the fawns are in it..... and I guess they must figure that it's worth the risk.
Art Photo - January 22, 2025
3 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I thought this might interest you about birds here in Florida.South Florida's farmlands did have hundreds of smooth billed ani birds but that number has gradually diminished in the last ten years.Now they have virtually vanished from the region. A park ranger had filed almost ten years ago to add them to endangered species protected list, now so few are being sited they have decided to add them to the list. There was no picture in the paper to show you but I know you have bird books to look them up. When I read the article I thought of you.
Naughty! Shoo, get! Scram!
Ellie, you probably won't believe this but as I worked on the hay wagon today I was thinking about Groove Billed Anis, wondering if I would ever be luck enough to see one! Then I came inside and found your comment. How cool is that! I didn't know any of them were I probably never will see one, but what a coincidence that I was thinking about Groove Bills when you were writing to me about Smooth Bills. And thanks! I will see if I can find the article and read it.
Linda, yes!!! They ate all of the kids' cabbages.
5:37 PM Delete
The article was in either the Tampa Tribune or the St Pete Times, I get both on sunday and give one to my mother in law, she wants a paper but refuses to have one delivered to her house. She is 89 and has some mental issues so it is easier to go along with her then to change her mind. She has not been able to comprehend that my husband (her son) has passed away, she still tells people that he comes to check on her three times a week. This has been hard for me to deal with but I will survive.
Ellie, I really, really appreciate it when you find things like this and share them with me. I was fascinated by the story, which I did manage to find via searching. I had no idea. Sorry about things with your mother-in-law. My late father-in-law walked that path and it was rough on the whole family.
Sometimes when things get tough for me and I see something you might be interested in in the paper and it is my out just to send it to you. you don't realize how much help you have been through dealing with Ron's cancer and passing. You seem like a friend and very easy to talk to. Thank you.
Ellie, I am so sorry that we live so far apart... Wouldn't it be nice to actually speak? I think of you often..with all the hard times you have had recently and your son so far away and all. Take care...
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