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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

S-T-R-O-N-G Coffee

We were innocently drinking our instant coffee just a little bit ago, when Finn decided that we needed something a little stronger.

So he tossed Snoopy up in the air and with utterly perfect aim, landed him in the coffee water.

As you can see, Snoopy is barely recognizable as himself after a couple months of entertaining Finn. I'm afraid that coffee will be a little too strong for me.....


Jan said...

Sounds like a great new flavor that Starbucks doesn't have.

Anonymous said...

OH SNOOOOPY COFFEE how cute.....love it. Bet it was dogggg gone good huh???LOVE to you and I like strong coffee too....love it...now i shall call mine SNOOPY STRONG..ha ha ha Merri

threecollie said...

Jan, they probably don't want it either. lol

Merri, we laughed and laughed. He is deadly with his toys....could probably play outfield for the Mets.