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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Back to the Grind

The road not traveled

700 words written of 1000 that are due tomorrow, all about what's going on in farm politicking. From the president speaking to AFBF next month, to NYFB's Circle of Friends, to the new Farm Bill website put up by the House Ag Committee, it's all fodder for me and Google Docs. I need one more short topic. Or maybe two if they are really short.

Wood is going through the stove like salts through a goose as they say, bird seed vanishing ditto. Looks as if we are in for some chilly weather the next week or so. Dunno what it is with Upstate NY, but we are often colder than southern Alaska.

If you were wondering where all the birds were during the long, warm, calm autumn, wonder no more. They are on or around our feeders from before I put them out in the morning until after I bring them in at dark. If you go out before dawn you will literally almost step on Mourning Doves and Dark-eyed Juncos waiting for the seed.

And then, while I was working on my writing chores, the bank called. Someone in Florida has been using the boss's debit card.....wonder if this story had anything to do with it.....


Anonymous said...

You bring your feeders in at night?

Jan said...

I was wondering about that too, you have business hours?

threecollie said...

Monica, critters take them away if I don't.

Jan, lol, if I don't bring them in they are often gone in the morning, alas.

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! Lots of snow. LOTS!

threecollie said...

Linda, just a little. lol. All ice now or at least mostly