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Saturday, December 30, 2017


We showed bulls at the fair

Walebe Jewelmaker, by SWD Valiant, out of Wiilsondale Citation Jewel
Showed ponies in halter and harness....this is Major Moves
In a calf halter....elegant, no?
Had to learn to put the harness on first....looking perplexed here

With Deranged Richard
And sometimes painted horses for friends


Cathy said...

You're so brave. This time of year I don't have the courage to look at the pixes from yesteryear, but I love yours :)
Where is that lovely painting now?

threecollie said...

Cathy, lol, the kids dug out the old boxes of photos to show Amber our horses, cows, dogs, cats and adventures of the past and we had a blast laughing over them. Needed to find that bull photo for one of my friends too. Painting was a Christmas gift for a friend whom I no longer see so I don't really know what became of it. I painted it during a class I took with a really good teacher. Loved working with him