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Monday, March 05, 2018

I am Stopping for Now

Working on the Farm Side. I must concentrate to write and the house is getting busy. Wish I could work in a hectic atmosphere, but I can't and that is that. I'll finish it tomorrow when everyone else is sleeping.

However, here are some of the links I'm using in writing about the madness governmental plans in South Africa.

The peeps in power there have decided to forcibly take land from current farmers without compensation and give it away to others. Although this might sound fair and proper in the funny papers, it hasn't worked before and it is a lot more complicated than you might think.

Land reform without compensation does not have a great track record. 

Soviet Union

USSR AG Update

What they're doing

It's Impossible

Imaginary issues, real problems

Update Zimbabwe

Bad publicity and disputed death toll

Trusted experts and their opinions on the topic (this one's a little skeevy, which is why it is last.)


Jan said...

This has never worked and never will and yet someone keeps trying it...

threecollie said...

Jan, it pretty much amounts to a crime on many levels.

Terry and Linda said...

You can see the Civil War writing on the wall. :(

threecollie said...

Linda, I am afraid you are right.