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Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Where, oh, where have they gone?

Over the past week odd things have gone missing....

The bathroom scissors, with which I lop off my hair, for the most part at random...

They are essential. For me a hair cut is not an event, but a process. A sticky-up clump here..whack, it's gone. Another one there...ditto....almost every day. 

The result is a sort of Rod Stewart look only (slightly) younger, plumper, and a lot less jaded. With the scissors gone I will soon be sporting that wild collie look....or maybe Golden Retriever....and that is so not me.

Not here....

Next to vanish was one of the Irish rings I wear.

Mappy and Alan each bought themselves one in Durham a couple of years ago. Alan bought me one too and I have worn it all the time ever since.

Alan's I rescued from his pants pockets, pretty much weekly, back when I was doing his laundry, and wore on my other hand until I saw him next and returned it. Eventually he refused to take it back, so I had one on each ring finger. You can tell them apart by the grout in his and they click together nicely when I get impatient.

However, the left hand one vanished without warning the other day. We cannot find it anywhere.

Thus I walk about unbalanced and shaggy, missing these icons of daily life...Woe is me...

Where, oh, where have they gone????

Guess we'll have to keep looking


Jan said...

Wr get those gremlins too

Cathy said...

I've grown so tired of looking in the mirror and fussing with hair that bangs are all that remain. The rest is like a mane. It grows and hangs in a a lengthening braid down my back. Yep. People stare. I don't care.
As for your ring. Oh my. What is it about finger bracelets wanting to run away ?

threecollie said...

Jan, maddening aren't they!

Cathy, Lol, mine is long in back too. I just pin it up in a bunch. And you are very beautiful! We think I laid it on the table between Becky's and my chair in the living room and it got knocked off...she thinks she heard it go...but we simply cannot find it. I miss it!