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Saturday, August 04, 2018

Carolina Wrens

Look....Probably a youngster. Thanks again, Jonna, for the wonderful feeder

They're back! We stopped seeing or hearing them in late winter after seeing them almost every day all last year. They returned in mid-summer with a brood of three youngsters, hung around the feeders for a couple of days and were gone again.

Yesterday I was awakened by the strident cheering of one of my favorite birds.

Today he was singing on both of the front porches, while what appear to be a second set of young birds eat peanuts on the feeders.




Linda said...

I wish we had them here!!!

threecollie said...

Linda, I just love them, loud, bossy things that they are. I wonder where they went this summer. They usually nest around the house or in the cow barn but there was only that one sighting of them since winter.

Jonna said...

I'm so glad that feeder is still around. Mine was destroyed by squirrels and raccoon long ago.

threecollie said...

Jonna, it is one of my favorite feeders ever. It is harder for the chipmunks and grackles to take seeds from it, but the smaller birds love it!