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Wednesday, September 26, 2018


A half-way decent shot of a Black-throated Green Warbler. I have several embarrassingly awful shots of them. However, today the yard was full of them. I swear every third bird was a BTGW. This one was foraging in the Winesap apple tree and held still for at least one whole second....just enough...


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Hurray! What a great shot! I have never laid eyes on this bird, although I know well its "Zee zee zee zoo zee" ringing through the spring woods. Now I know what it looks like.

Thegoatlady said...

What a beautiful picture! Don't you just love when they finally hold still? I have 4 hummingbird feeders out on the porch (I know, everyone says I need to take them in and let the birds go on their way), and I have taken some great shots of them. In the evenings we have hundreds of martins that swoop down and eat the mosquitos (hooray!) too.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, thanks! I see them often but I never get tired of them. lol

Unknown, thanks! It is fine to keep feeding hummers well into the fall. There are many who migrate quite late and they benefit from the opportunity to fuel up at your feeders. I took mine in and then put them back out when migrants started showing up almost every day. Lucky you with martens! We have to drive several hours to see any.