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Friday, November 30, 2018

It's still November

There appear to be a lot of new horses in the Amish world this month. This driver
is braced this way because this pair nearly leapt out into the road seconds before this
and then they wanted to take off down the hill. A few weeks on that manure spreader and they will have a whole different outlook

I think of it as the mirror month of March...opposite ends of winter but so alike in fluctuating ambiance and frequent changeability. However, March is closing in on spring and the good days can only get better.

It is well above my pay grade to tease the rarities out of flocks like this
unless they are close enough
and the light is good enough
to get decent photos to look at later

With November you know that the nice days are just teasers, lulling us into a false sense of comfort and joy, while the weather gears up for lots more misery.

November is not my favorite month atall, but the drive to get outdoors and look for birds has rendered the iffy weather and short, gloomy, days a lot more bearable.....

The nigh horse in this pair is pretty hawky too. Didn't much like
the look of us.
Which I suppose is understandable, dangerous characters that we are.


Jonna said...

It seems the older I get, the more I am effected by the cloudy days of winter. It sure helps to at least get outside for a bit to soak up what light there is!

joated said...

I agree with you, Jonna. These cloudy, dreary days really get me down. Feel like singing Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues: "I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when."

Jan said...

I've never liked November and you have given me more reasons.

Cathy said...

Jonna said it. November is rough. And yes, just stepping out the door - despite the gray and gloom - still connects you to the world of nature and the sense that things will keep moving on and that "spring is just around the corner" :)

Terry and Linda said...

I have a hard time in November, December, January, February...then (when I finally make it to March) I feel joy all over again.

threecollie said...

Jonna, you are so right! There are days when i have to force myself to go out and bird....but I am almost always glad I did.

Joated, it is sunny today and we barely know what to do with ourselves!!!

Jan, me neither. Nasty rotten gloomy month

Cathy, it amazes me how much getting into serious birding has helped me with my winter problems. For one thing I get outdoors every single day. And there is always something interesting happening. Between irruption of the northern birds and the continuum of migration...plus serendipity in stumbling upon real rarities now and then...there is always something going on. It keeps me going on.

Linda, same here. Love spring!