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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

And So it is Christmas

Winter days......marked out by crow-go-out and crow-go-home, passing ranks of thousands, twenty or forty at a time, west in morning, east in evening, sometimes loud and sometimes silent.

Low today, dipping down in the yard, the sound of wings rustling clear against the cold dark dawn. A few throaty chirps you wouldn't associate with crows if you weren't looking right at them.

Venus flirting coyly with scudding clouds on the morning wind. Brighter than the waning moon, if smaller, and sparkling like that long ago star that spoke to so many.

It's quiet now, but soon we will be enjoying Christmas morning through the eyes of someone who is four and hasn't seen so very many mornings like this blessed one.

Merry Christmas to all!


tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Love Mom

Terry and Linda said...


threecollie said...

Love you, Mama!

Linda, right back atcha, thanks!

Cathy said...

Wish I'd written this most beautiful reflection:
" . . It's quiet now, but soon we will be enjoying Christmas morning through the eyes of someone who is four and hasn't seen so very many mornings like this blessed one."

But you did . .. and we are so enriched by your doing so.

Happy New Year to you and your dear family.

threecollie said...

Thanks, Cathy, it was very beautiful outside when the crows were going over. It was amazing to hear the silken rustle of their feathers as they passed.