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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cooper's Hawk

Not exactly a welcome visitor to the feeders, but we seem to have them every winter. This is an immature bird and by the size I would guess perhaps a female...but that is indeed just a guess.

Nice of her to pose for a few photos on top of the shelf feeder Mappy built me.


Denny144 said...

I’ve got Cooper’s hawks, too. In the winter, I’ve seen them swoop in and take finches off the feeder. And in the summer, I’ll find little bird size piles of just feathers in my backyard, further proof that they hunt there year round.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

We get both Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shinned at our inner-city birdfeeder. The Coopers eat the Mourning Doves and the Sharpies eat the English Sparrows. Ah well, all God's children gotta eat! You should see the squirrels plaster themselves tight against the bark of the trees when the hawks fly in.

threecollie said...

Denny, we had a sharpie for a while too, but he seems to have moved along. This bird is lovely, but keeps the feeder birds away a lot

Jacqueline, wish somebody would eat the English Sparrows! Although, maybe somebody is, as there seem to be fewer than there were in summer. Also wish the coop would eat the grey squirrel. lol They are huge though