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Monday, April 08, 2019

Far from Home

We made it to the Outer Banks today after a pretty rough trip. It is everything the kids told us and more. As I sit here in our hotel room, which is very pleasant, a Laughing Gull is calling over the parking lot. We went to a lighthouse today and to TWO beaches. 

Somebody found a lot of shells for Miss Peggy.

Saw tons of birds without even looking too hard. 

Great fun, and kudos to the boss for getting us here in one piece against great odds. There are some pretty crazy drivers around our nation's capital, dontcha know?

Fish Crow staking out some territory. They sound like
regular crows after helium


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Oh,I hope you have as wonderful a time on the Outer Banks as my husband and I had when we spent a month there in October, 1991. He was on sabbatical from Siena College and writing a book while I rode a fat-tired bike on the beach and through the marshes all around Corolla, at that time as far north as a paved road went. There were wild horses roaming the beach, left from horses brought by the Spanish back in the 16th century. Local boys caught bluefish in the surf and threw them back, so they gave me one: delicious! I also remember a little joint near Kitty Hawk where we ate the most wonderful pork barbecue, North Carolina style. Our rented house was between the sea and the sound, and I remember each night many sea birds would fly over to the sound to spend the night. Dolphins swam by every day, and one day we saw a whale! Birds,birds,birds! You must be in heaven.

I've been trying to stay off my computer more lately, so I hadn't read your blog for a week or so. It was a joy to revisit your life again, but I was sorry to learn of Jade's health issue, and I hope he is recovering well.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, oh how wonderful that sounds! Much more developed now of course, but the national parks and seashores have saved plenty of wild areas to enjoy. Raining today pretty hard, but supposed to me nice tomorrow.

Jonna said...

So glad you are able to take a little trip. Happy birding.

Terry and Linda said...

WONDERFUL!!! A wee spring trip is a great thing! I'm so glad you got to get away.

threecollie said...

Jonna, I was afraid to go...we are not seasoned travelers, but it has been so much fun. Thanks

Linda, it is! Thanks