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Friday, May 03, 2019

The Things you See

Pony Express

Yesterday a 42 minute visit to the boat launch, just after eight in the morning, yielded the swallow extravaganza, plus a Solitary Sandpiper, first of the year, and both Yellowlegs...oh, and a couple of spotties as well.

I think this little guy was in training

Because just after these photos he threw up his head
and jumped in the ditch

To say the least, it was a productive visit.

We went back for a few minutes in the afternoon, after we picked Becky up from work. Not much in the way of birdiness; people were fishing, cars coming and going etc. and it just wasn't a good time.

Thus the boss and I sat at one of the pic-a-nic tables, watching a few Northern Rough-winged Swallows swooping around...they nest in niches between the stones of the old aqueduct....and chatting casually.

He exclaimed, "That's not a bird." and indicated something fluttering over the pool where all the goodies congregate.

"It's just a swallow," I argued.

However, the binoculars said otherwise.

It was notabird at all. It was a bat. It swooped and dove over the pool just like one though, slapping the water at intervals as it caught some insect or other.

It was really interesting to watch it. Finally it came right over near us and I realized that it was not brown like the usual run of bats around here. It was bright cinnamon red.

Horse race....well sorta...the horse now in front passed the other one
like it was standing still
outta sight in seconds!

Could it be an Eastern Red Bat?

When we came home I checked out range maps and it is certainly possible. Sure wasn't colored like any of the other bats we have ever seen.

Cool, a lifer of a different sort than what we usually pursue. I have to give this blogger credit for me even knowing such a critter existed......Sadly the camera couldn't find it so no photos.

My turn to wait while he looked at stuff....

And then this morning after pre-dawn dog walking I opened the microwave to find a tiny garden gnome with a pink flamingo. I have no idea who found this little thing, but someone combined my dislike of gnomes with my love of flamingos (I check the ABA report daily to make sure someone has seen the one in Florida) and had some fun with me.

I am sure the culprit will reveal herself later when the rest of the crew gets up. I wonder if this one will attend weddings and travel the world like Hezzie did. Oh, and by the way, one of those horrible wind storms earlier this year separated poor Hezzie from his boots. I had a sad. 

Hezzie at Liz's wedding before he parted company with his feet.


Jan said...

We do love your photojournalism posts.-

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Poor Hezzie, a momentum of Liz & Jade's wedding. Can you not glue him back together with gorilla glue???? Love Mom. PS Thank you for the grocery shopping again!

Cathy said...

I think I even see a glimmer of SUNSHINE! in one of your wonderful pictures. (Could you please send some this way ;)

threecollie said...

Jan, thank you....if there is no photo it didn't happen. lol

Mom, I think Hezzie's feet are done for, but I am going to shove him down in the dirt and pretend he never had any. lol. You are most welcome for the shopping. Love you!

Cathy, now and then. For a minute. Maybe even too. What cruddy weather this spring though!! I haven't been able to get up on the hills in weeks because of the constant rain and deep, dangerous mud. I really need to go today and see if the Savannah Sparrows are back. And maybe Bobolinks. Hoping for a decent day...for me and for you!