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Monday, May 20, 2019


Just what you need landing on your roof or in your field

We all know that the search engine the name of which begins with G is biased at best and full of falsehoods and bad information as well, but good grief!

I'm working on a Farm Side column about the danger of litter and trash to cows. If you have stock you know that ingested bits of metal can kill cows, often in slow and horrible ways.

We saw a fire balloon last night, floating off over our pasture to land who knows where, with who knows what consequences, and that kicked off an idea.....those objects, while pretty darned interesting are also quite dangerous.

Anyhow, I used that G search engine to read up a bit more on how the metal that litter contains does its nefarious work....

And found exactly two pertinent articles. The rest were all vegan, animals rights horror stories that had absolutely nothing to do with what I was looking for. I know I should use Duckduckgo, but sometimes I am just too lazy.  

Fire in the sky, what a great idea!


Jan said...

I've had the same experience with the G thing.

Terry and Linda said...

I so agree.

threecollie said...

Jan, I used Duckduckgo a lot, but I leave good ol' g as my default because I use their maps so much.

Linda, I think a lot of us do.