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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Curses Foiled Again

Guess that is as close.....

We were just offered an opportunity to not only possibly win Moose Quest, but also to document said success...not to mention get to visit and enjoy one of our dearest friends in the most amazing setting you could imagine... 

and then the car got cranky.

We have been looking, albeit perhaps not quite as enthusiastically as we should have been, for a replacement since the Outer Banks trip. However, used vehicles of similar vintage, make, and model, or even anything close seem to be in short supply around here. There are plenty of Durangos for sale for uncomfortable five-figure prices, but we like to eat regularly and all, so we are not eager to buy one of those. Even though they are real shiny and all. Plus it wasn't all that bad.

Then night before last when we went out scouting for Eastern Screech Owl Quest it had a little mechanical emergency. Or maybe even a big one. Decided that it didn't really want to climb hills any more.

So we called a local dealer about potential repair. Um, no. The cost of the work would be about twice what the car is worth. And that was a baseline estimate. 

The kids have suggested another guy who has done some work for them a lot cheaper than that. I guess we will let him take a look. Mebbe. I would kinda like to keep this car as opposed to taking on any debt. It has the grand virtue of being paid for and it has heated seats, which will henceforth be one of the main features, along with 4-wheel drive, that I will be looking for in a car or truck.

But alas, no Moose Quest, much to my dismay. And it is raining...very lightly...but raining...on the first hay that has been mowed here this year. The boss put a few test rows down yesterday to the tune of a forecast that only called for widely scattered thundershowers the whole weekend. Then we woke up to drizzle. It isn't wet enough to have to wipe your glasses when you come inside from outside, and if it dries off it won't do any harm at all, but dagnabbit!

Anyhow, hopefully we can find something reliable to drive and tough enough to tackle our driveway or else find someone to repair the car so we can at least get to camp, which is coming up in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, whoever is doing all that rain dancing, stop already. Thanks.


joated said...

When Terry's Aveo had a similar problem (didn't want to climb hills but ran fine on the flat) it turned out to be the catalytic converter...and one of the sensors. Got those replaced and she's running fine.

Terry and Linda said...

Fingers crossed for dry hay, fixed car, no debt and OFF TO CAMP in TWO WEEKS!

threecollie said...

Joated, no kidding! We will have to look into that. Thanks

Linda, thanks. Cannot wait for camp. We keep talking about not going each year, but we just seem to need to.