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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

It's the Little Things

Marshmallow season is in full swing

An early morning video chat with my boy who is far away in Canada with no functional phone.... suddenly the day is a lot brighter. Winnipeg is flat and cold as far as I can see...and far away. Did I mention far away?

Flippity Do Dah

Some of my good Facebook friends getting on MeWe where the world is not run by people who think that I should think differently....and the possibilities are....interesting.

I have been using it for a while now, but with no one I know available and no easy way to meet like minded people I really only stop in to check on a group I started there, Field of Birds, and to share bird stuff. Real friends will be cool. No big brother censorship will be nice too. I have had posts taken off FB that were merely scientific articles about birds. Hate speech to someone who hates birds I guess.

Common Gallinule...in the pouring rain

Finding a Common Gallinule at a pond we visit. Not technically a rare bird for Upstate NY, but they aren't exactly thick on the ground...or on the water...either. We are up to 155 species in Montgomery County so far this year. It is getting hard to find new ones with migration mostly over for now and all. If you see something exciting please let me know. Have binoculars, will chase.

The LogNess Monster of the Mighty Mohawk

Not such a little thing, but it has been great to see the hay fields clean and clipped with first cutting stored away for winter, and to see corn planted, sprouting, and after the insane rain of the night before last, jumping double its own height overnight.

We may be retired, but a farmer's heart is a farmer's heart. And you can forget what everybody told you about NY being all about Manhattan. This is farm country up here in Montgomery County. We love our cows and crops and we like to see them prosper.


Jan said...

So far FB has not censored me or my dogs. We must be harmless. :)

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

What is that Mohawk Monster? A partially sunken log? Love Mom

Terry and Linda said...

I saw Linda was moving over...gosh I don't know what to do. So far I haven't been censored, but if all my friends leave.............

threecollie said...

Jan, but China.....lol

Mom, I think it was a log, but it was way out in the middle...hard to tell. If I was in Florida I would have been worried though. lol. Love you

Linda, I think people are just going to use it as a separate place...kind of try it out. FB has become ridiculous with the way it censors, sorts, and tries to influence. Alas, I don't really think Mewe is going to be adequate...too clumsy to navigate, too hard to find people