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Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Things you See

After receiving a new set of spark plugs the car was raring to go, so we headed out today. We came upon this Amishman trotting merrily home from the field with this team and forecart. We followed him a while because we weren't in any big hurry. 

Then we went to Beardsley Reservoir, where we found a cute little Pied-billed Grebe, a few other birds and most of the rodent population of the county. We saw Grey and Red Squirrels and so many chipmunks it was mind boggling, sometimes five or six at a time.

The squirrels were trying to drop acorns on us but thankfully they missed. One was dropping them in the water at the edge of the lake and what a plonk that made.

Then we headed on home, but were forced to detour as one of the roads we normally take was closed for some reason. That turned out to be serendipitous, as that is when we came upon the Amishman on inline skates, swooping up the road like a cross country skier. He had on a backpack and in one hand a pair of rubber boots held by the top, straight up in the air. In the other hand he had a compound hunting bow.

I feel that I can honestly say that I have seen everything under the sun now....alas, I tried to grab a video but didn't push the right button.

It sure was a fine day for so late in October....like a bit of Indian Summer with all the oaks and a few late maples flaunting their finest colors before the bell rings for the end of this round and winter sets in for real.


Terry and Linda said...

What a beautiful world you live in!

Cathy said...

Oh my , . . Oh my . . . What "Terry Linda" said to the nth degree :)
And you, my friend . . . capture and frame it as so few do.

threecollie said...

Linda, we are so fortunate, thanks

Cathy, thank you so much.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Well, now,THAT was a fine country drive! Thank you for taking the time and paying the kind of attention that notices so many wonders. And thanks especially for sharing those wonders with us through your fantastic photographs.

threecollie said...

Thank you, Jacqueline! We do have a lot of fun.