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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The little Camera that Could

Other than the arrow, which indicates where the bird below was located,
this photo of a grey, cold, gloomy afternoon is

I've been fortunate to own several amazing cameras over my lifetime, from the Kodak Instamatic my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Earl gave me for Christmas one year....and thank you from the bottom of my heart for instigating my interest in taking pictures of things...

To a Cannon AE 1 Program film camera the boss bought me for our honeymoon. Egads, it was hard to get the film to connect with the dogs on the drive wheel. Missed shots of Brookview Tony Charity being sold for a million bucks or so in the middle of a horrendous thunderstorm on above mentioned honeymoon, way up in Port Perry Ontario.....

To a tiny Cannon point and shoot that is still around somewhere.

And the amazing Cannon S3 IS sent to me by a complete stranger from far away that I used for years and years and loved so much....Thank you a thousand-thousand times over for that! Liz is using it now, as she joins us in birding and photographing fun things in our life.

To this one the boss bought me. A Cannon Powershot SX 530 HS.

It may not take the sharpest pictures in existence, but the 200X zoom brings birds that are so far away that I cannot see them without bins and can't identify them even with them, into good enough focus to identify them.

I love taking photos and always have. I love it even more with this little under $300 camera. Wouldn't trade it for one of those boat anchor sized ones with a 400-pound lens hanging on the front on a bet. 

Bonaparte's Gull sitting on the bottom of the mud bank in the photo above
Heavily cropped....


Terry and Linda said...

I like my little camera also...and you DO take great photos! I love taking photos also!

Shirley said...

I really want one of those! The zoom is unreal!

Jan said...

I like seeing the photos you and Linda take.

threecollie said...

Linda, I love your photos of your life in Colorado!

Shirley, I was concerned about changing from my old camera but this one has been amazing. Lots of fun. Only about $249 at Walmart

Jan, thanks

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

It is no exaggeration to say that my first little Canon Powershot changed my life. It captured so beautifully much of what I loved in the natural world and I could take hundreds of photos at zero cost, and then share the ones I loved via the internet, connecting me with so many other wonderful folks (like YOU!) who shared my love for nature. My world has expanded in ways I could never have imagined because of digital photography and how it enabled me to connect with others who share my passion.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, I am lost if I forget my camera!