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Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Plea

Can anybody get this awful song out of my head? 


It's the version of White Christmas from Home Alone. It first got snagged there while birding the pedestrian bridge in Amster-by-gosh.

I think I told you about that.

Then the other night I indulged in my annual personal enjoyment of the above movie.

This year Peggy joined me for the first one.

It was fun. Much delightful discussion of bad guys and don't-try-this-at-home and that sort of thing, plus fresh laughs through the eyes of a five-year-old. 

Good stuff.

However, it has been four or five days....maybe even a week...and that awful song just won't go away. Makes Baby Shark look like a walk in the park....and btw that one doesn't seem to bother me a bit, but when I started joking about it the other day, Peggy groaned, "Stop, don't say that, please grandma, it gets stuck in my head."

She has my sympathies. Not to mention my genes... 

Meanwhile, since the jukebox in my head plays night and day, I am dreaming of a white Christmas....

I would really rather not.


Jan said...

I could suggest a worse tune but you don't want that.

Shirley said...

Very nice pine tree! I tried to find one thick like that but alas! They all are lodgepole pine or Ponderosa pine here. Not suitable. Mine ended up being a balsam.

Terry and Linda said...

Grandma gets run over by a raindeer...always gets stuck in my head. Sigh!

threecollie said...

Jan, omg no, I truly don't lol

Shirley, our son gets them off one of our big hills. For a few years the kids bought trees, but this year I asked that we go back to getting a tree off the farm. I love this one. Thanks

Linda, ugh, I hate that one too. I just don't like Christmas music much