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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I Tawt I Taw a Snowy Owl

We did see this one......in March of 2018!

We were returning from a little birding excursion yesterday, having successfully found and photographed Glaucous and Iceland Gulls, which made me pretty happy.

Cute little Iceland Gull

We had also seen a number of Rough-legged Hawks, which are wintering in the area. We are literally seeing more of them than of Red-tailed Hawks, which is pretty surprising.

Anyhow, we were tooling along Logtown Road, hurrying home for brekkus, when I spotted a white shape in a distant tree.

"I think I saw a Snowy Owl, back there on that Amish farm!"

And so the boss, good guy that he is, turned around and we went back.

Alas and unfortunately........


Terry and Linda said...

HAHAHAH! Well, one never knows for sure until one can actually SEE :)

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Please tell Liz her culinary donations were much appreciated as well as was her searching my car for missing appliances. She is a winner. Thank you also for sending her on this quest. Today I go to pay the taxes. Unsavory job but happy to be able to. We saved all birthdays mother's day, father's day and Christmas donations and only had to add a little bit to make the cut. Whoopee! Love Mom
That was some snowy owl you saw, looked like an eagle to me.

Jonna said...

We've all done that before! My pet peeve are the white plastic bags in the fields. I'm always trying to make them into Snowy Owls.

threecollie said...

Linda, the boss knew what it was right away. he has really sharp eyes. lol

Mom, so glad you enjoyed her goodies. She is a great cook. Love you!

Jonna, there is a set of buoys one place we bird. They are shaped like upright lozenges and are fastened at the end of chains. They bob like ducks. When the creek goes down they lie down like ducks. Even though we know they are there they fool us constantly. lol