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Saturday, January 18, 2020

There's a Storm a'comin'

Not taken today, alas

Train horns mellow as old cheese resonate across the valley in the cold morning light.

Jays sound strident as a squawkboard with sharp fingernails applied.

Urgent hustle in the traffic, whether birds on the feeders or travelers on the interstate.

It's coming, says the East wind.

Almost here, call the cardinals.

Dee, dee, dee, oh dear chirp the racing chickadees, pecking open seeds as fast as they can find them.

In case you wondered.... Winter's back and it's bringing its friends...snow, sleet and wind. 

Somebody had better run out for toilet paper, bread, and milk and hurry!

It's getting pretty shiverish.

Hurry, hurry, hurry


tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

We did, you did, everyone did. I wonder if the weather man will produce the 6 -10 inches of snow they are predicting. It was good to see you for a glimpse yesterday. I love the hat Becky made you. Matt sure looks good but I forgot to measure Kegan for the kilt he wants Now we have two railings on the stairs all the way to the top, and grab bars in the shower. That brother of yours and his assistant work fast and good. Love, Mom

Terry and Linda said...

Hope you folks are safe!!!

threecollie said...

Mom, I am so happy that the boys were able to make things a little safer and much nicer for you. They are sure good fellows. Seems you got quite a lot more snow than we did, but even so bitd they wouldn't even have called it a storm. lol. Love you!

LInda, we are fine but cold....brrrr.....