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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Know Before you Go.....Solar

With the wild proliferation of solar arrays across valuable farm land, scrub land, and pretty near everywhere else, and with solar companies approaching and pressuring farmers to lease or sell, it is important to know the potential ramifications of signing a deal.

Below is an excellent article, which brings up some issues I hadn't previously considered. We have been approached by at least seven or eight companies, so there has been a lot of research done by Northview folks. The solar company reps who call, write, or stop by in pickup trucks don't seem to like that very much.

Considerations when leasing to a solar company.

Here is one I have shared before, but good info.

Good luck to anyone who gets involved. The money looks good but the details are way above my pay grade. 


Terry and Linda said...

O! Thank you so much. There has been talk here of solar on our farm. Thank you!

threecollie said...

LInda, the more you read, the more worrisome it is. There is a 300 acre wild forest being clear cut and pillaged near here for solar. How can it be green to rip out thousands of carbon-sequestering trees to put up solar panels to reduce carbon? Smoke and mirrors! I have no problem with logging. No problem with landowners using land as they see fit within reason. However, this is all encouraged by government subsidies. Without that I don't think it would pay either in so-called "green" savings or actual cash, or even enough power to matter. Kinda sickening.