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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

We were Friends

We started our blogs the same year and "met" on a blog promotion site where people looked at your blog if you looked at theirs. The Poodle (and dog) blog, kept cropping up on the list I was served and I guess Northview Diary popped up on Jan's.

Over the years we became the best of web friends. She sent me stories I could use and I did the same for her. I subscribe heartily to her philosophy that if the dog dies the book isn't worth reading. (Take that Old Yeller!)

We "got" each other's humor and saw serious issues in much the same light. She was a better blogger than I will ever be and I tried to never miss a single one of her wonderful posts. Golden Poodle Awards, Lizard brain awards, all so much fun. I love learning from my blog friends and Jan was a talented teacher.

I can't tell you how horrible it was to read that she had passed away in a terrible and senseless accident. The day has changed direction and not in a good way.

Condolences to her family and to all of you who knew her through her blog and her delightful Facebook presence. Rest in peace, Jan Williams and know you were loved. 

Here is a link to an interview her daughter gave.

And here is a Go Fund Me if you can help with the financial strain on the family.

A news story. 


dickiebo said...

So very sorry.

Terry and Linda said...

I wondered why she hadn't posted anything for a while, she was always regular as clockwork. I was stunned and heartbroken when I read what happened. So many lives destroyed or rewritten in ways not good...all because of drinking and driving.

Cathy said...

Words fail. Tragedies like this break the heart and challenge our sense of a any form of a just world. I'm so sorry for every person and animal that has lost this loving and lovely spirit.

I just read Terry and Linda's comment above mine. Exactly right.

threecollie said...

dickiebo, thanks

LInda, I have realized that I often write with Jan in the back of my mind. You and she have been my most frequent commentors....and my favorites as well.Sorry for how this must make you feel!

Cathy, beyond sad...such a tragedy. I feel so sad for her family facing such terrible challenges.