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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Patience Grasshopper

All things come to she who goes birding and racks up around 12 complete checklists with Google maps down and non-functional. Maps is an integral part of the app and you can't submit checklists from the phone if it isn't working. Guess who uses mobile pretty much exclusively....

And therefore figures out the next day more or less where the heck all those lists were geographically and enters them by hand on the computer.

Only took an hour and a half.

And then must uninstall eBird and reinstall it. Plus the bird pack for the region.

Will it work now?

Thousands want to know. Particularly me. 

Guess I will go out on the porch to count a few yard birds and see.

Catch you later.....

Update: it worked!


Terry and Linda said...

I just had a crash here...sucks. But back up and running YAY

threecollie said...

Linda, so frustrating! This was a problem right at Google. It took forever to transcribe all my checklists from a long day of birding, mostly trying to find locations on the map. I am so spoiled by the way the phone uses gps to find everything. Back in business anyhow and I am glad that you are too.