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Monday, July 20, 2020

A Theory

At least there is now water in our river
The dragonflies are celebrating
with an orgy of epic proportions

It's mid-July and so far the year has unwound like a Tasmanian Devil on crack.

Nothing has gone well. Nothing resembles normal. Nobody is having fun yet.

Besides the plague, food and supply shortages, rioting, and being cut off from most of the people and things and activities we love, there is a movement afoot to do away with our money in favor of turning complete control of our lives over to banks and government.

To me that is the worst thing yet. You have all read the reasons why so I won't repeat them.

However, I figured out yesterday WHY all this is happening.

2020 is the year of the rat!

 Sneaky, destructive of all things whether it needs them or not, tireless, relentless, and riddled with disease. 

Yep, it's all about the rat.

Am I wrong? 

I don't think so.


Rev. Paul said...

I think you're right. And the fact that it's the Year of the Rat on the Chinese calendar is telling, too.

threecollie said...

REv. Paul, ya know I hadn't thought of that aspect, but you are so right!

Terry and Linda said...

YOU ARE RIGHT ON! And, Hey, Rev. Paul...You are right also.