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Friday, July 24, 2020

Triggered Like a Snowflake

Yes, I was indeed and now I am sorry for it.

Worst thing is I KNOW better than to react in such a manner. 

No excuses, except I will offer that everything is just so damn bad now that it is hard....really hard...not to react inappropriately.

But, as I said, no excuses.

Just I'm sorry and hopefully love will trump anger at some point.

And meanwhile, back to our regular programming, to which I truly try to stick.

We stumbled on a nice back road yesterday upon which to pursue the local avifauna. 

Neither saw nor heard anything of note, but the sheer numbers and variety were comforting in these ugly times. Were it not for the boss taking me birding I don't know how I would get through the endless days when nothing ever goes right. 

Been trying, somewhat lazily, as I am a morning person and don't do nights, to see the comet.

I think either I am looking wrong place/wrong time or there is too much light pollution and too many clouds for it to be visible. Meanwhile I am loving everyone else's photos. Stunning is too weak a word for them.

Maybe if we get a cool, clear night and I can stay awake, the boss and I will hit some of the really dark back roads with open vistas and see what we can see. Heaven knows, we spend enough time on them.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.....Tonto, not knowing that the Lone Ranger was disguised as a pool table, racked his balls.

See you next week, same time, same station.


Terry and Linda said...

Hugs to you my dear friend

tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

That was not a good racking. Love Mom