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Monday, August 17, 2020

We don't need no stinking....


Seat belts

Yesterday was church for our plain folk neighbors. There were very many of them, belonging to all the different orders and levels of difference. They were out on the roads in great numbers.

We attempted to count the number of kids in this conveyance but were unable to do so. (Give 'er a click to embiggen and see if you can... There were either two or three little ones in front on laps and between the dads.)

At least they were nice enough to pull over to the side of the road to let us by, while the horse, which was muddling along at a slow walk, caught its breath. 

Just as we passed, one of the bigger boys stood up to look at something on the other side of the road and leaned way out into our lane.

Visions danced in my head and they weren't of sugar plums either. There is no way we could have stopped if he had fallen out. Thankfully he didn't.

Just a nice Sunday drive in the country....

*Who says rural life is boring?!

Birds were good though. Finally got a first of the year Red-breasted Nuthatch. One of those common, everybody else has seen one, kind of birds, that I have just missed somehow. 

What a cutie!


Terry and Linda said...

Hahahha I guess they dont'

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Brings back memories of my growing up in rural southwestern Michigan. Amish lived around us, some drove cars but others only buggies, and our rural roads were curvy and hilly and very dark at night. I recall some very close calls! I had Amish classmate in school until the 8th grade, and then the law allowed them to continue their education on their farms. They were very good carpenters.

threecollie said...

Linda, sometimes I wish they used them. We see so many cringe worthy things! Yesterday a tiny little girl hanging out of the back of a wagon right over the road. Ouch!

Jacqueline, we had one crew do a roof for us and they did a fine job.