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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Noisy Eggplant


I would have completely missed this Common Gallinule, even though it was at a pond where we often see them and just a few yards from my feet. However it gave a mighty honk, thus catching my attention, so I leaned down under the bushes to take a peek. There it was. Doesn't it look kinda like an eggplant?

Same swamp, different species...the biggest Eastern Painted Turtle I have ever seen, next to a normal-sized one. I thought it was a big snapper until I took its picture.

Female Belted 
Kingfisher It was a good day for cool birds and nice fall colors. Ice cream on the way home was a nice bonus


Cathy said...

Awesome Pictures!! Wish I could bird with you!

Terry and Linda said...

It's so much fun to tour your world with you!

threecollie said...

Cathy, thanks, wouldn't that be fun! We should do it some time.

Linda, glad you like it. We do have a good time. Or at least I do. lol

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Wow! Those are some fabulous finds! A gallinule would be a huge surprise to me, and all my days of owning a camera I have never had a kingfisher perch within focal length.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, a couple of years ago I could have said the same. I wasn't even looking for them, as the only place we had ever seen them was Montezuma. Then we found one, other folks found another, and then we found what is almost definitely a breeding pair in this pond. I am still wildly excited to find them though! The kingfisher lives at a beaver swamp where all the neighbors congregate to watch a doe and her fawns. I guess he is used to people because he hunts right next to us, luckily for me.