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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

To the far Mountains


This guy was just creepy...
No elbows!

The kids had planned to stop down to see us on the weekend and then travel up to Lake Placid on Sunday to sneak in some Christmas shopping.

I made sad puppy eyes at Alan (over the phone, and not on video chat either...no mean feat..) and he invited me along.

(I am in the wrong line of work!)

What a nice time. I love seeing them and getting to talk without miles between us and the shopping was interesting as well....although there is nothing in any store that can compare with the mighty mountains. The air alone will wake you up as if you were an ent and had been sleeping long and deep.

Thanks for a great day guys....it was a lot of fun.


Rev. Paul said...

I love places like that! Looks like a great day all 'round.

Terry and Linda said...

YAY! Fund day for you all the way around!

threecollie said...

Rev. Paul, as I said, the very air is inspiring! We exclaimed in awe at every lake and bog and pool and over half the trees as well. Maples and ashes are just starting to turn.

Linda, it was just lovely. The are such good kids.