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Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Blood Pressure Medicine


For all my friends of every stripe and denomination.

We were privileged to learn about this Snowy Owl via Facebook a few days ago. I kept quiet about it because the finder was kind enough to allow us to visit his home and photograph it from his garage. I didn't want him to regret that.

The bird has now left the neighborhood and I hope its stunning beauty helps you feel better today....I know I sure needed it.

The Bald Eagles are regulars at Yankee Hill Lock, and not much concerned with the people below. They sure make counting ducks a challenge as they strafe the flocks and loom overhead.

The day this was taken there were at least 60 Common Mergansers plying the river for small fish. They were quite a sight to see, floating downstream en mass, then flying back up, flashing their bright, white, wing patches.

Anyhow, best wishes for the best day possible for everyone reading this. Thanks for visiting.


Ontario Wanderer said...

Always lovely to see a Snowy Owl. Nice to see such a pleasant blog today!

Terry and Linda said...

I wish we had them here. Our Big-Horned Owl is back!

threecollie said...

OW, I have only seen reports of a couple in the state so far and only a few nationwide. I think this one was blown down by the storm. thanks

Linda, keep watching. They can pop up literally anywhere. A few years ago one showed up at an airport in Hawaii. They are often young, hatch year birds with no idea of where to go or what to do. Good deal on your owl. They will be working on mating and nesting really soon.