Peregrine Falcon, found yesterday on the exact same pole where we found one last year. |
For the first time since pretty much the beginning of the count circle there will be no representative of Clan Montgomery working on the Johnstown NY CBC. I made the decision not long after last year's count that I just couldn't do it any more.
Mom and Dad had been in almost at the start of the circle, or at least within the first couple of years. They did it together for many years, then Mom wanted out so I went with Dad. When his vision began to fail both brothers and a large selection of the grandkids stepped in too.
White-throated Sparrow Checking out the home feeders |
It was always quite an affair. Mom would make hearty meal for the counters and we would gather at noon to eat and compare notes and again at the end to send in our totals. We would walk an abandoned railroad, our aunt and uncle's farm, and the field behind the house. We would drive for miles looking for feeders or roadside gatherings. It was exhausting but a lot of fun too. Mayfield South found quite a few nice birds over the years.
However, the brothers' lives moved them out of reach, kids grew up, moved away, lost interest, and traffic became an appalling snarl of constant peril. I became invested in birding our home county and the last two count years were miserable, mostly because of the traffic.
So, it was almost with relief that I let someone else take over this year and I wish her well. I sent her a list of our favorite spots, and hope she finds amazing rarities there.
Horned Lark I get excited every time I see them |
Meanwhile, it turns out that it was fortuitous that this was the year to step away. The family is reeling from the loss of two aunts and an uncle (just yesterday) over the past three months. Another aunt is hospitalized right now...It has been a terrible time for everyone in our close-knit clan.
With mom and dad both in a nursing home for rehab and mad at me about it, mostly I guess because I am an available target, I am happiest just haunting our favorite river spots and winter back roads near home. And trying to find some heart for Christmas for the 6-year old who shares our lives....and incidentally loves eagles and woodpeckers. The little pink guitar was safely delivered to my brother and his wife.....can't wait for that aspect of Christmas morning
Hope you are all well and that you have some hope this Christmas season...much love from Northview Farm.
What wonderful generational birding memories!! It is okay to step away from what no longer serves you. Even if it is hard for others to understand. Perhaps sharing the general area rarer bird find(s) and count results with your parents will help. The birds are still being accounted for, altho understandably not the same tradition. So sorry to hear of your families difficult losses. I hope you find natures healing qualities up lifting.
Hang in there. Change happens and we cope as best we can.
Enjoying your photos and commentaries over the years.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
All our warm wishes for comfort and hope as Christmas and the New Year arrive. We'd love to send cards to your parents . . but I can't find the address :( No pressure dear. Be good to yourself as much as possible. The New Year owes you.
Hi - Your parents are where they need to be at this time. Yes, they are mad at you b/c they need an outlet for their frustrations of their own declining health. They are so fortunate to have 3 loving children who are now the "parents of parents" who are now making the difficult decisions. It is sad when we children recognize that "all has really not been all that well" as they propped each other up. Been there, done that with husband who is an only child. It was HELL but we got through it with the support of our own 3 kids for support.
Continue to make memories with your adorable & innocent dear Peggy. Merry Christmas to all.
Aurora, thank you so much for your kind words.
Bill, thank you and the same to you and yours
Cathy, thank you. Hopefully you have my email with the address now. My mom is really enjoying the cards she has received. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Keith and family as well. I think of you often.
Nursejoan, they are, but sadly they don't agree. Thank you so much for your words of support and comfort and Merry Christmas to you as well.
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