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Saturday, December 05, 2020

Every Morning I move the Elf


It's one of the best parts of my day. A bright spot in the gloom soup that is life these days. Our elf is a non-judgmental little soul, and not only spends no time seeking out naughtiness, but also brings small gifts...some days just a chocolate. Some days little activity things. These are challenging times for small folks too.

Every day I check the York Beach Maine rare bird alert. We spent the best weekend of the year in that neighborhood with family. Seeing the place were I got to have real clam chowder and walk around admiring the shops and ships and lobster boats and all on the little rare bird map takes me back there to a better time and place....and I am only mildly envious of the folks who see the little Rock Wren in Ogunquit....okay, that's a lie. What a cool bird!

Later in the day I check the ABA rare bird alert too...always keeping watch for the single American Flamingo seen quite often in Florida. If there are flamingos there is hope.

I do a bird list every day, partly because it what I like best, and partly because I enjoy watching the streak of consecutive days reported inching upward...1434 as of this morning before daylight. Pretty soon I can fill the feeders and do one for today. Yesterday we had a single Evening Grosbeak on the feeder by the window over the sink. It was missing most of its upper mandible but still managed to scarf its fill of seeds. I stayed away from the window after grabbing a few photos to let it eat its fill.

High spots happen and then the day is spent just creeping along through the dark of the year, hoping for better things, but not optimistic. Hope you are getting by as well. Have a good one. 


Terry and Linda said...

That poor bird's beak. I wonder what happened? Thank you for this lovely post...visiting you is always a bright spot in my day.

Love you

threecollie said...

Linda, I wonder if it was hit by a car. Amazing how it was getting along though. Didn't seem distressed at all.